Monday 17 December 2012


Although I thought I was going to use foley to record the alien probe then manipulate it, I ended up running out of time to so as problems with people not doing their job in my Narrative strand film ended up with me basically working on my documentary every day for two weeks and not having time for recording which was disappointing.
However, I used decided to use Logic to manipulate synth to create the alien, taking inspiration from Wendy Carlos' work.
I started by trying to find a low drone sound for the bulk of the probe as I felt that as it was so large and created a lot of tension in the scene, it needed to be loud and drone like to create a uncomfortable presence. I found a synth sound called Frenchie in one of the synth plug-ins and played it continuously throughout the piece. 
As this continuous drone, would be flat and have no sense of space around it in the clip, I used volume and panning in Logic to create movement and the feeling that the alien probe was moving around the space

I increased volume for instance when the probe's head is close up, and decreased it when it was far away. When the probe hears the sound of the girls shoe, I increased the volume immediately as it swings its head back towards the camera.

I used panning to create movement to the probe, for instance when it swings its head around towards the camera, I panned from the left to the middle. When the probe swings its head from side to side, I also panned from left to right to create the sense that it is moving.

For the alien probe opening its head at the beginning of the clip, I used again, electronic synth sounds to create a sense of presence and fear. I used a synth called FM Beauty for when the head opens, a violin sound called Soft Cutter that had been manipulated by synth to sound static-like for when the blue light turns on and another synth for when the main white lights turn on, which were louder and gave a harsh, metallic echo sound which I chose because it created a sense of dread; the head opening sounds I chose were to make the audience be unnerved by it, because of the immediate loudness of the head when the scene starts, the audience knows that the probe is threatening and I wanted to emphasise this with the static-like, synth sounds.
I used the same sounds for when the head closes and cut the sound off immediately when the head closes apart from the Frenchie synth sound which I faded out gently as it retracts from the basement. 
For the bit where the camera closes up on the throbbing lights of the probe, I used a tubular bell synth which I pitched down to make it sound like the inner working sounds of the alien when you get close to it.
Overall, I wanted to alien probe to sound very futuristic, frighting and threatening and the metallic, throbbing synth sounds that I used, I feel emulate this idea of the alien probe.  

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