Friday 12 October 2012

Foley workshop 11/10

We worked at the workstation with Ron to record foley for animated films such as Nine and Wall-E and other clips from films such as the Sopranos and horror films, which we watched in mute and then wrote down what sound we would need to get with those. We had the Marantz 661 and worked in a group of three to create foley sounds with objects we had brought in. We hit sliced and hit fruit to create a stabbing sound in flesh, peeled an orange for a scene in a film where a man peels an orange, used plastic gloves to create the sound of wings flapping and used the sound of moisturiser being rubbed in the hands sound for poking a bloody wound for a scene in a horror film. 
Our group used the new sound studio in the workstation which had been sound proofed which made our sounds sound clearer because they didn't have the hum of the building like the others. Together as a group, we recorded a coin roll with four different mics for a scene in Nine and then fed it onto Ron's laptop to edit in Soundtrack Pro. 

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